Kill (switch) your homegrown flagging solution

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Kill (switch) your homegrown flagging solution

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ROI that just keeps delivering

Avoiding negative outcomes from an internally-developed feature flag solution should be the baseline of any vendor’s platform. LaunchDarkly empowers your team to perform at levels not previously possible, and ensures a more seamless deployment environment that streamlines every process, from design to release.

A sampling of LaunchDarkly’s impact—courtesy of a recent report via Forrester Consulting—which focused on four teams ranging from sizes of 75 to 850 users:

  • 245% ROI
  • $3.80 net present value
  • Reduced cost of pre-production environment saves $3.37 million
  • Developer productivity equates with $1 million savings

Not everything is so easily quantifiable. When it comes to releases, 75% of LaunchDarkly customers say they’re virtually stress free when it comes to releasing software. According to Forrester, that stress reduction translates into things like lower development recruitment costs and a decreased risk of massive errors being found at the point of merging code. Among other benefits that are tough to put a number on, Forrester found that LaunchDarkly helped improve business alignment, customer experience, and compliance with external governance.

Our platform can integrate seamlessly into your stack, and is supported by a wide range of technology partners, integrations, languages, and frameworks.

Through market-leading features and a devotion to developers, the impact of LaunchDarkly extends from your engineering team’s hearts and minds to your company’s bottomline.

So if you can improve the quality of life and performance of your team, while mitigating risk and saving money, it’s time to retire your homegrown solution; we’ll even buy it a one-way plane ticket to someplace warm and sunny.

LaunchDarkly is a great solution. Pricing is super competitive to homegrown solutions, and LaunchDarkly is always shipping new updates and functionality.

Ian C.
Sr. Technical Release Manager - Enterprise


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