Integration audit log subscriptions

Audit log integration subscriptions allow you to send audit log events hooks to one of dozens of external tools. For example, you can send flag change event webhooks to external third party software. To learn more, read Building your own integrations.

You can use the integration subscriptions API to create, delete, and manage your integration audit log subscriptions.

Each of these operations requires an integrationKey that refers to the type of integration. The required config fields to create a subscription vary depending on the integrationKey. You can find a full list of the fields for each integration below.

Several of these operations require a subscription ID. The subscription ID is returned as part of the Create audit log subscription and Get audit log subscriptions by integration responses. It is the _id field, or the _id field of each element in the items array.

Configuration bodies by integrationKey


apiKey is a sensitive value.

hostURL must evaluate to either "" or "" and will default to the former if not explicitly defined.

"config": {
"apiKey": <string, optional>, # sensitive value
"hostURL": <string, optional>


apiToken is a sensitive value.

entity must evaluate to one of the following fields and will default to "APPLICATION" if not explicitly defined:

Click to expand list of fields


"config": {
"apiToken": <string, required>,
"url": <string, required>,
"entity": <string, optional>


token is a sensitive field.

"config": {
"url": <string, required>,
"token": <string, required>,
"index": <string, required>


apiKey is a sensitive field.

"config": {
"datasetName": <string, required>,
"apiKey": <string, required>


ingestionKey is a sensitive field.

"config": {
"ingestionKey": <string, required>,
"level": <string, optional>


"config": {
"url": <string, required>


apiKey is a sensitive field.

domain must evaluate to either "" or "" and will default to the former if not explicitly defined.

"config": {
"apiKey": <string, required>,
"applicationId": <string, required>,
"domain": <string, optional>


accessToken is a sensitive field.

"config": {
"accessToken": <string, required>,
"realm": <string, required>


token is a sensitive field.

"config": {
"base-url": <string, required>,
"token": <string, required>,
"skip-ca-verification": <boolean, required>
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