PHP SDK reference

Recent major versions

Version 6 of the PHP SDK supports migration feature flags. These are temporary flags used to migrate data or systems while keeping your application available and disruption free. To learn more about upgrading, read PHP SDK 5.x to 6.0 migration guide.

Version 5 of the PHP SDK replaces users with contexts. A context is a generalized way of referring to the people, services, machines, or other resources that encounter feature flags in your product. Contexts replace another data object in LaunchDarkly: “users.” To learn more about upgrading, read PHP SDK 4.x to 5.0 migration guide.

Code samples on this page are from the three most recent SDK versions where they differ.


This topic documents how to get started with the PHP SDK, and links to reference information on all of the supported features.

SDK quick links

LaunchDarkly’s SDKs are open source. In addition to this reference guide, we provide source, API reference documentation, and a sample application:

SDK API documentationSDK API docs
GitHub repositoryphp-server-sdk
Sample applicationPHP
OpenFeature PHP
Published modulePackagist
SDK version compatibility

The LaunchDarkly PHP SDK, version 6.x and higher, is compatible with PHP 8.1 and higher.

The LaunchDarkly PHP SDK, version 5.x, is compatible with PHP 8.0 and higher.

The LaunchDarkly PHP SDK, version 4.x, is compatible with PHP 7.3 and higher.

If you need compatibility with older versions of PHP, use version 3.x of the LaunchDarkly PHP SDK.

Get started

After you complete the Getting Started process, follow these instructions to start using the LaunchDarkly SDK in your PHP application.

Install the SDK

The first step is to install Composer and the LaunchDarkly SDK as a dependency in your application. Refer to the SDK releases page to identify the latest version if you want to depend on a specific version.

To install Composer:

$php composer.phar require launchdarkly/server-sdk
># In earlier versions, this was "launchdarkly/launchdarkly-php"

Then require Composer’s autoloader:

1require 'vendor/autoload.php';
The PHP SDK uses an SDK key

The PHP SDK uses an SDK key. Keys are specific to each project and environment. They are available from the Environments list for each project. To learn more about key types, read Keys.

Initialize the client

After you install and import the SDK, create a single, shared instance of LDClient. Specify your SDK key here to authorize your application to connect to a particular environment within LaunchDarkly.

Only create one instance of client.

Here’s how:

1$client = new LaunchDarkly\LDClient("sdk-key-123abc");

To learn more about the specific configuration options available in this SDK, read the SDK API documentation for the LDClient constructor.

Evaluate a context

You can use $client to check which variation a particular context will receive for a given feature flag.

Here’s how:

1$context = LDContext::builder("context-key-123abc")
2 ->name("Sandy")
3 ->build();
5if ($client->variation("your.flag.key", $context)) {
6 // application code to show the feature
7} else {
8 // the code to run if the feature is off

In our Getting Started guide we recommend that users shut down the LaunchDarkly client on application termination. This step does not exist in PHP because the PHP SDK does not maintain long-lived network connections nor an event queue.

Fetch flags

There are two distinct methods of integrating LaunchDarkly in a PHP environment:

  • The Relay Proxy retrieves and stores flags in Redis, DynamoDB, or Consul. This is the recommended method. If you use synced segments or larger list-based segments, you can only use Redis or DynamoDB as a persistent store.
  • Guzzle Cache Middleware requests and caches HTTP responses in an in-memory array. This is the default method.

We strongly suggest using the Relay Proxy. Per-flag caching mode using Guzzle is only intended for low-throughput environments.

Using the Relay Proxy

PHP’s shared-nothing architecture prevents LaunchDarkly from reusing the streaming API connection across requests.

You can use PHP without the Relay Proxy, but we strongly recommend using the Relay Proxy in daemon mode if you are using PHP in a high-throughput setting. This makes the Relay Proxy receive feature flag updates.

To learn more, read Configuring SDKs to use different modes.

Using Guzzle

For the latest major version of the PHP SDK, use open-ended dependencies. For older versions, refer to your version’s composer.json file.

To require Guzzle as a dependency:

1php composer.phar require "guzzlehttp/guzzle:^6.3.0"
2php composer.phar require "kevinrob/guzzle-cache-middleware:^1.4.0"

Guzzle is then used to fetch flags. You can persist your cache somewhere other than the default in-memory store, like Memcached or Redis.

You can then specify your cache when initializing the client with the cache option:

1$client = new LaunchDarkly\LDClient("sdk-key-123abc", ["cache" => $cacheStorage]);

Supported features

This SDK supports the following features:

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